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菜单展开显示的参数expanded 25 Aug 2013 | 01:27 pm
"expanded": Optional. If set to TRUE, and if a menu link is provided for this menu item (as a result of other properties), then the menu link is always expanded, equivalent to its 'always expanded' ch...
web2.0菜单模块 Nice Menu 模块简介 25 Aug 2013 | 01:16 pm
在路径http://localhost/drupal/?q=admin/settings/nice_menus下设置最大个数。 在路径http://localhost/drupal/?q=admin/build/block下面找到相应的nice_menus区块,然后进入,并对其进行配置,选项Source Menu Tree,用于配置原菜单树。选项Menu Style:包含3个选项,left,ri...
drupal主题推荐metropolis 3 May 2013 | 07:56 am
ere are its features: 1, or 2 column layout Tableless 10 collapsible block regions Superfish drop-down menu (2, 3 or more nested levels) Image slideshow. You can change it using Views Slideshow since...
drupal7创建node 1 May 2013 | 03:35 pm
$filepath = drupal_realpath('images/a.jpg'); // Create managed File object and associate with Image field. $file = (object) array( 'uid' => 1, 'uri' => $filepath, 'filemime' => file_ge...
drupal7 install添加自定义主题 1 May 2013 | 01:50 pm
// Any themes without keys here will get numeric keys and so will be enabled, // but not placed into variables. $enable = array( 'theme_default' => 'iexplore', 'admin_theme' => 'seven', ...
QR二维图 30 Apr 2013 | 05:41 pm
Google Chart API是一套可以让你在线生成报表图的系统,通过URL你可以得到各种图表。 举个例子:你在浏览器中输入 你将得到一个内容为本站网址的QR二维图。 Tags - google
drupal7添加词汇和术语 30 Apr 2013 | 10:20 am
$vocabulary = (object) array( 'name' => st('Tags'), 'description' => $description, 'machine_name' => 'tags', 'help' => $help, ); taxonomy_vocabulary_save($vocabulary); //--add ...
在CentOS上安装Git 28 Apr 2013 | 07:53 pm
CentOS的yum源中没有git,只能自己编译安装,现在记录下编译安装的内容,留给自己备忘。 确保已安装了依赖的包 yum install curl yum install curl-devel yum install zlib-devel yum install openssl-devel yum install perl yum install cpio yum install expa...
添加main menu 菜单 27 Apr 2013 | 02:01 pm
function custom_food_orders_menu() { $items['order_food'] = array( 'title' => 'Order Food', 'page callback' => 'page_creator_function', 'access callback' => TRUE, 'menu_name' => 'mai...
views覆写 26 Apr 2013 | 07:38 am
在生成的views列表中,为列表标题标记鲜明的颜色,突出显示重要信息,虽然可以通过CSS方法控制标题颜色: Tags - drupal question