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High Blood Pressure 5 Feb 2010 | 02:51 pm
I lost contact with one of the friend of mine for a month or two. and out of suddenly he appear and told me that he feel very pressure and da da da …. Two weeks after that, he said he fall sick and it...
Beijing Olympic 2008 8 Aug 2008 | 06:17 pm
Today is a very big day for China. so i wish Beijing Olympic 2008 all the best!!! This morning listen to HK Commercial Radio I and it shows all the hongkies are excited about it too. For the past 1 ye...
我的老爸 16 Apr 2008 | 01:45 am
很久没有机会坐下和老爸谈天。 刚刚有机会和老爸谈天才发觉老爸真的老了许多, ‘火’也收了, 心胸原来是那么的广阔, EQ更是高我一筹。 不枉他平时看那么多书, 原来看书真的可以自我修炼。 还记得小的时候和老爸讲话,讲不够几句就被他骂。 之后就很少和他讲话, 因为怕又给他骂。 现在才发现原来老爸也很善谈。 尤其是中国古代名人, 佳句,都难不倒他。 以前都以为老爸信道教, 没想到他的佛学修为也相当了不...
My Discus Fish 28 Feb 2008 | 09:04 pm
6 months ago, one of my uncle gave me 8 baby discus fish in a paint pail. (His discus give birth and my uncle take care of them for around 2 months for the baby discus to stable. As there are so many ...
Finally, new life again 28 Feb 2008 | 08:27 pm
Yesterday was my last day in the office. I’ve resigned month ago. Really miss my nice and friendly colleagues. Hopefully can meet some nice and friendly colleague from my new company again. Oh probabl...
最近比较烦! 4 Feb 2008 | 03:38 pm
最近比较烦。 晚上无法照常入睡。 在床上滚来滚去。。。 不像我睡觉的作风。 可能玩Dota玩的太多, 心比较散。 哈哈!
Clickbank accept Malaysia registration now! 9 May 2007 | 06:04 pm
Yes no joke, ClickBank is accepting malaysia registration. Previously, you can’t find Malaysia in ClickBank registration Country field. And for those who wan to register a ClickBank account, they norm...
Have you ever play Dota using 22 inch Wide LCD Monitor? 23 Apr 2007 | 04:28 pm
Finally, My Dell 22″ Flat Panel LCD Monitor (E228WFP) reached my house at last saturday morning! So i have a chance to play Dota on my DELL 22″ Wide LCD Monitor. The feeling cannot really easiy to des...
10 weird things or habits 23 Apr 2007 | 02:26 pm
Got tag by ahkwong. Since i’m a very normal person, i cant think of any weird things. hahaha. Ok, this is the weird thing or habit i think i got now 1. Like my smelly pillow 2. Like to enjoy the smell...
Bought Dell 22″ Flat Panel LCD Monitor E228WFP at PC Fair 2007 17 Apr 2007 | 01:39 pm
I’ve been thinking of getting a flat panel LCD monitor since few years back. Finally, i bought Dell E228WFP 22″ Flat Panel LCD Monitor at PC Fair 2007 few days ago.