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Reed College Reunion, 2011 11 Jun 2011 | 09:18 pm
I’d been here since Monday, but it was Friday night in some room in the Gray Center that Reed College started to crystallize for me again. On the West Coast, I remembered, rock music had just made se...
Things I’ll Do When I Finish Writing This Book: A List 11 Jun 2011 | 10:45 am
Dorky confession: Every time I think of something I will do when I finish writing this book, I add it to a ‘note’ I’ve got going on my iPhone. Most of the things I’ve missed this year are humble. I m...
March Culture: Al Burian at Book Thug Nation 14 Mar 2011 | 02:50 pm
On Friday night, I attended a reading by Al Burian at Book Thug Nation in Williamsburg. Burian is touring in support of his new zine, the long-awaited Burn Collector #15. It was a good time. The tiny...
SciAm Mind: Changes in ADHD Over Time 4 Mar 2011 | 09:19 am
I’m excited to have my first piece in Scientific American Mind. “Hyper One Day, Gone The Next: Changes in ADHD,” which touches on the work of scientists at Columbia studying the persistence of the ADH...
Bean Boots 6 Jan 2011 | 10:20 am
I think it was Slavoj Žižek who wrote once that no product ever lives up to its fantasmatic promise.* I remember reading that a few years ago and thinking “Yes! That is so right! Well observed, Slavoj...
Elaine to Norman Mailer: TLDR 8 Dec 2010 | 10:48 am
Alison found a gem in the New York Times obituary for Elaine Kaufman, owner of Elaine’s restaurant in New York: After an argument with her, Norman Mailer vowed never to return and wrote her an unflat...
Letter from Charlottesville 3 Dec 2010 | 06:44 am
Earlier this week I sent off two chapter drafts, and since then I’ve been taking a little elusive ‘me-time.’ Actually, I was supposed to get back to work this morning, but I’ve been feeling an itch l...
Behind the Scenes at Times Square, and Deep in the ReadyMade Vaults 2 Dec 2010 | 03:46 am
Happy December! We all have a month of office holiday parties, etc., to look forward to before starting to think about New Year’s, but in case you’re already eager to put 2010 to bed, I do have a litt...
Open Call for Antidepressant Stories 10 Nov 2010 | 12:11 pm
As some of you already know, I’m working on a book about antidepressants. Specifically, it’s about growing up on antidepressants—the intersection between antidepressants and young-person-ness. I’m lo...
Begin Again. 19 Aug 2010 | 03:42 am
For the past year and several months, I’ve been working at ReadyMade, editing stories about DIY projects and cruising the internets in search of things that other people made. One of the projects tha...