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Backgammon Social 18 Feb 2011 | 06:38 am
WSOB is developing several social networks around Facebook and Twitter to meet others players and share ideas and stories. We will be sharing our thoughts, news and insight into the game via Facebook ...
Cubey wubey 8 Feb 2011 | 05:50 am
"... and here comes the Cubey-Wubey...!" .. exclaims inimitable backgammon legend and TV commentator X22 Paul MAGRIEL (left) when an inevitable double is offered during the action at the 2005 World B...
BIBA Bright n Breezy Qualifiers 20 Dec 2010 | 06:39 am
BIBA BRIGHT N BREEZY 2011 sponsored by PlayWSOB.COM WIN €300 ENTRY PACKAGES EVERY SUNDAY - UNTIL DEC 26TH BIBA's Biggest tournament of the year, the Bright 'n' Breezy www.backgammon-biba...