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Benchmark update: Cake vs. CodeIgniter vs. Kohana 4 Sep 2008 | 02:49 am
The setup Just like the previous benchmark this one measures out of the box performance of the above 3 frameworks. I ran each benchmark 3 times, the mean of those benchmarks was then derived. Setup ...
Customizing Win XP appearance 23 Aug 2008 | 01:25 am
I’ve used Win XP since about 2002 and it looks like I’ll be stuck with it for at least another year or two. In many ways, I actually like Win XP, but after using it for so long, I can’t stand the look...
CodeIgniter for Rapid PHP Application development 30 May 2008 | 10:10 pm
This 241 page book is written by David Upton, published by Packt and available in both paper and electronic versions - I’ll be reviewing the later one. This book is based on CodeIgniter 1.5.3, but sho...
Performance benchmark: Cake vs. CodeIgniter vs. Kohana 9 May 2008 | 11:31 pm
The setup This benchmark measures ‘out of the box’ performance of the above 3 frameworks. Framework versions are as follows: Cake, CodeIgniter 1.6.1, Kohana 2.1.1 (latest stable relea...
CodeIgniter model productivity methods 26 Feb 2008 | 12:51 am
Just wanted to share a couple of methods, which I use in my models all the time. One is for saving and updating, while the other is for retrieving data, both of the methods rely on active record class...
MySQL character set problems 28 Jan 2008 | 12:31 am
Recently I’ve ran into a problem with using character set other than default – cp125 (Cyrillic) in my case. The problem isn’t very well documented, so I’ve decided to recap all the troubles I’ve encou...
Mootools Text Snow 20 Dec 2007 | 09:26 am
It’s been a while since my last post – my excuse is a complete lack of time, due to high workload. Anyway, just in time for Xmas, I have managed to find some spare time to write a Mootools class that ...
CodeIgniter - loading external libraries 9 Oct 2007 | 04:17 am
CodeIgniter provides a simple way to load libraries located in the application folder. Personally, I prefer to store most of the libraries in a common centralized location. Unfortunately, there is no ...
Mootools text drop-shadow 19 Jul 2007 | 11:13 pm
Text drop shadows can be used to improve headline legibility or simply for decorative purpose. In my latest project, I’ve had to use drop shadows just for the reasons above and ended up writing a Moot...
Live search with CodeIgniter and Mootools 9 Jul 2007 | 01:33 am
This article demonstrates how to create a live search application (an AJAX based application that returns search results as you type) with CodeIgniter and Mootools JSON. You can take a look at the fin...