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Kicking the Can 6 Jul 2013 | 04:28 pm
I finally kicked. I am proud to say that I have gone eight days without eating a Pringle. I have no idea how you just reacted to reading that sentence. You might be confused. You might think I am am...
Testing, Testing 3 Jul 2013 | 10:24 pm
I was just at Safeway and as I was walking in a guy smoking a cigarette outside asked me for a dollar for the bus. He looked rough. He was skinny and twitchy. He was clearly in need of a fix but I ha...
And So It Begins 7 Jun 2013 | 06:43 pm
Ian took his first guitar lesson yesterday. You already know what song this is going to be, don’t you. Leave your best guess in the comments and then come back and watch the video.
My first 5K (before) 11 May 2013 | 04:21 pm
Remember in school when you were forced to run a mile in P.E.? That was always the worst day of the year for me. When I was in 8th grade I remember thinking seriously about taking a hammer to my own ...
You Heard the Man 2 May 2013 | 01:56 am
It was one of those days where both kids were home with strep throat but the antibiotics had already begun to kick in and everybody was feeling okayish but we couldn’t really go anywhere so instead th...
Sarah Test Drives a Mazda3 1 May 2013 | 12:46 am
Disclaimer: I normally charge a bunch of money for a sponsored post here on Sarah and the Goon Squad, but you know how sometimes you are working with a company on one thing and then they call you one ...
Mowing Musings 27 Apr 2013 | 09:21 pm
Warning: To understand this post you might need a working knowledge of Great White’s catalog. Basically only Laurie, Tammy, Ritch and Celeste will know what the hell I am talking about. That’s right, ...
Unpleasant Pearls of Wisdom 29 Jan 2013 | 12:08 am
1) When you are comforting your child who is sick with the flu you are right. You are going to get it too. 2) If you are cutting up jalapeños and taking the seeds out make sure you generously wash yo...
Out Out Damn Bug! 23 Jan 2013 | 11:20 pm
I am the Lady MacBeth of lice. Seriously, I always think I have lice and I never do. In December my head was itching like crazy and I was convinced I was infested, but no. It was (wait for it) glitt...
Finally, A Justification for Impulse Buys 23 Jan 2013 | 12:28 am
On Saturday, Claudia and I went to Walgreens to pick up one item. We needed some shampoo. Of course, since it was just the two of us, we also agreed to browse the nail polish selection. We completel...