Most codeigniter unique form validation related news are at:
– Scott Nelle - WordPress Web Development Tips
Get Just The Path from a Request in PHP 12 Jun 2013 | 02:22 am
It can be a little tricky to get just the path of a request in PHP. $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] includes the query string. $_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'] may return index.php instead of the request if you’re usi...
Uptime Robot WordPress Plugin 10 Jun 2013 | 10:30 pm
I’ve been using a simple, free uptime monitoring service called Uptime Robot lately to monitor a few of my sites. It will check up to 50 sites every 5 minutes to determine if they are online or offlin...
More codeigniter unique form validation related news:
[Trick] Combine the jQuery AJAX and CodeIgniter form validation 25 Sep 2012 | 03:20 pm
Sebenarnya trik ini tidaklah terlalu WOW sekali, tetapi cara ini kadang kala tidak kepikiran oleh beberapa pengguna framework Codeigniter dan juga AJAX (terutama dari jQuery). Prinsipnya simpel, biasa...