Most collapsing the wave function related news are at: – mezzacotta

Professional photographers? 26 May 2013 | 06:58 am

In the wake of Marissa Mayer’s comments when launching the revamped Flickr UI (since “clarified”), what is the difference between professional and amateur photographers?

Geek Argument of the Day 24 May 2013 | 12:44 pm

New feature! Today’s Geek Argument of the Day is: Is the change to the Legend rule in Magic: The Gathering a good thing, or is it the end of Magic as we know it? Bonus Geek Argument of the Day for yes...

More collapsing the wave function related news:

From Schrodinger’s Cat to Wave Functions: Attempt on explaining Index/Railgun Mechanics 11 Feb 2010 | 07:12 pm

A while ago, I was referred to a couple of very insightful takes on the psuedo-science surrounding the Index/Railgun universe . One of these posts is written by a fellow named Steven and uses Personal...

Show Hide Expand Collapse Javascript 6 Feb 2009 | 06:27 am

Show, Hide, Expand, Collapse and Toggle functions with JQuery. Can I show hide or expand collapse a html element like a div with java script? Yes, this guide will allow you in just a few lines of cod...

Vibrations. 23 Jul 2012 | 05:32 pm

That’s it! The reason why they say everything can be deduced to vibrations because everything is because everything is vibrations. Sounds, Light and Heat, covers all aspects no? Wave function, Vibrati...

Quantum Contradictions 11: Theory vs Computation vs Observation 19 Aug 2013 | 10:15 pm

Quantum mechanics is based on an unhapppy marriage between theory and observation/measurement, with the observer necessarily affecting the observed. The wave function describing e.g. (the statistics o...

Quantum Contradictions 10: Symmetric and Antisymmetric Wave Functions 19 Aug 2013 | 12:27 am

The wave function as solution of the Schrödinger equation as the basis of quantum mechanics, has 3N spatial dimensions for an N-particle system. As such it is a computational impossibility as noted by...

Entanglement subspaces, trial wave functions, and special Hamiltonians in the fractional quantum Hall effect 26 Aug 2013 | 07:00 pm

Author(s): T. S. Jackson, N. Read, and S. H. Simon We consider spaces of trial wave functions for ground states and edge excitations in the fractional quantum Hall effect that can be obtained in vari...

Factors to Consider When You Compare Tablets 22 Mar 2012 | 04:24 am

Tablet computers are making waves in the electronic market today. With their compact design and functionality that mimics laptops and desktop computers, it is not surprising to know that thousands of ...

Heart Function Review 21 Nov 2011 | 06:54 am

Cardiac cycle ECG p wave QRS complex T wave Ventricular pressure vs time tracing Aortic pressure vs time tracing Atrial pressure vs time tracing a wave: atrial contraction c wave: [...]

SuperEZ Wave Editor Pro 11.3.2 30 May 2012 | 03:46 am

>SuperEZ Wave Editor Pro is a more functional version of SuperEZ Wave Editor,providing professional music and sound editing software for recording,editing and mastering sounds of many formats. It give...

Wesco Folding Hand Truck Review 29 Dec 2010 | 09:42 pm

Wesco Folding Collapsible Hand Truck is durable, easy-to-store and functional equipment which comes in two different materials to choose from: aluminum/poly models and durable all-steel construction. ...

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