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Study shows that not all screen media use is the same when it comes to the well-being of adolescents 14 May 2013 | 03:35 am
In a recently published paper in the Journal of Adolescent Health, a team led by Dan Romer studied the use of different screen media by a national panel of over 700 adolescents and young adults over a...
An Explanation of Each of the Experiments Within Bem’s ESP Study 19 Nov 2010 | 05:29 pm
A scientific paper by Daryl Bem, a social psychologist, will imminently be published in the prestigious Journal of Personality and Social Psychology. What is significant about this paper is that it su...
What is Content Co-creation? 13 Oct 2009 | 01:09 pm
Fascinating paper by Michel Bauwens from the Foundation fro Peer-to-Peer Alternatives and Institute for Distributed Creativity, published in the Fibreculture journal, on the layers of content co-creat...
Exergames: Free Play or Controlled Therapy? 7 Apr 2012 | 02:50 am
Last month a Baylor Children’s Nutrition Research team led by pediatrician, Tom Baranowski, PhD, published a paper in the journal, Pediatrics, about the effects of naturalistic video game play on the ...
Evil Eyebrows and Pointy Chin of a Cartoon Villain Make Our ‘threat’ Instinct Kick in 16 Jul 2012 | 07:58 pm
Psychologists have found that a downward pointing triangle can be perceived to carry threat just like a negative face in a crowd. In a paper published in Emotion, a journal of the American Psychologi...
New Study Reveals Alarming Declines in Pacific Shark Populations 31 Oct 2012 | 05:23 pm
Research published today in the journal Conservation Biology presents the most comprehensive assessment of the status of Pacific shark populations to date. The paper, authored by Dr. Shelley Clarke a...
The 50:50:50 Method in the Italian journal "Ingegneria dell'autoveicolo" 11 Feb 2013 | 05:00 am
A new paper about 50:50:50 method has been published on the Italian Journal "Ingegneria dell'autoveicolo" VOL. 65 N.7/8 Jul/Aug 2012. It is available in the download area for registered users or usin...
"Mesh Morphing to synchronize shapes CAD and CAE" in the Italian journal Il Progettista Industriale 12 Mar 2013 | 04:00 am
A new paper about RBF Morph has been published on the Italian Journal "Il Progettista Industriale" Nov 2012. It is available in the download area for registered users or using a direct link.
Groundhog Day: Wheat and Modern Disease 2 Jun 2013 | 09:23 pm
As early as 1988, Boyd Eaton, MD, was publishing papers in the American Journal of Medicine on the possible role our modern diet may play in the development of chronic degenerative diseases (see “...
Climate research nearly unanimous on human causes, survey finds. 16 May 2013 | 06:37 pm
A survey of thousands of per-reviewed papers in scientific journals has found 97.1% agreed that climate change is caused by human activity. Authors of the survey, published on Thursday in the journal...