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Ubuntu 12.04 LTS - Unity 5.0 18 May 2012 | 08:00 pm

Hier je vous présentait Wubi, une manière de tester en douceur Ubuntu 12.04 tout en conservant Windows. Histoire de continuer à vous donner envie de tester voir d'adopter Ubuntu sur votre ordinateur, ...

Unity's Future In High-Definition 19 Apr 2012 | 07:04 am

Unity has become a cornerstone of the indie and smartphone game space, but does the tool set have what it takes to stand up to "triple-A" developers' needs? In this interview, Erland Körner and Re...

BOO x 3 with FWF Unity 14 Oct 2011 | 03:45 pm

Hello all my crafty friends!!! You will want to start off at Unity's Blog to see the list of all the inspiring stampers showing their love of Unity Stamps! While you're there checkout the monthly cha...

Migrer vers Unity et Ubuntu 12.04 : les quelques personnalisations utiles (pour moi …) 14 May 2012 | 04:47 am

J ‘ai récemment fait le passage (réussi)  de ma veille distribution ubuntu 10.04 vers la dernière version stable 12.04 (avec une installation toute neuve !) A l’usage j’apprécie la rapidité et les so...

Unitymedia 3Play – HDTV über Kabel empfangen 6 Mar 2010 | 04:53 am

Der Kabelnetzbetreiber Unitymedia bietet seit Februar 2010 HDTV Empfang in bester HD Qualität über Kabel an. Für den Empfang von HDTV über Kabel mit Unity-Media ist lediglich ein HDTV fähiger Kabel Re...

Il discorso del Re: balbuzie e tecnologia ieri e oggi 24 Jan 2011 | 06:37 am

La radio ai tempi del Re Giorgio VI e facebook ai nostri tempi, due contributi diversi alla comunicazione Dal 1987 le persone trascorrono meno tempo a parlare faccia a faccia. E’ arrivato il computer...

"It's time for peace and unity in the Diocese of Cleveland" - Updated with Video 18 Apr 2012 | 12:41 am

Bishop will reopen 12 parishes, will not appeal Vatican rulings Declaring that “It’s time for peace and unity in the Diocese of Cleveland,” Bishop Richard G. Lennon announced today that he will re...

Re: All Men Know About Women 5 Aug 2011 | 01:04 am

we should not create such complexity among the people, the reason is that it really create the  hate for each others. So we should compromise in case of the men and women to create the unity.

New Unity SDK Release with Cloud File Server Support! 31 Mar 2012 | 05:41 am

We’re pleased to announce that the GameSpy Technology Unity SDK now supports file storage for our Cloud Data Storage service (also known as Sake). You can use our flexible Cloud File Server to: • Stor...

I’m with Coco: il caso “O’Brien” 27 Nov 2010 | 12:24 am

Gli Stati Uniti sono i re dell’intrattenimento televisivo. Serie televisive vendute in tutto il mondo e format copiati e riciclati, ma  soprattutto, sono i padri indiscussi del talk show e dei one man...

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