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Elections • Re: Comments re: “Call to Action” Phase 3 22 Aug 2013 | 03:35 am

What a tremendous reply you have given. Like a college professor. I will inquire in the future of the idea of forcing a judge to not simply resign for misconduct, but to attend the court that we the ...

Elections • Re: Where's the power in original jurisdiction gov't? 21 Aug 2013 | 05:41 am

Clabianco: Thank you for your inquiry. Given that it is an impossible question to answer, we expect your question [(h)ow many people in the States own land?] was rhetorical. Nonetheless, the followin...

Patriot Mythology • Re: Corp US, SSA Trusts, Freedom, Unification, Plans 21 Aug 2013 | 03:21 am

Dear Admin. Yes I will join Team Law as soon as I economically can. I have been intermittently viewing your site's information during the past 2 years. By the way, I previously downloaded informatio...

Elections • Re: Comments re: “Call to Action” Phase 3 21 Aug 2013 | 01:47 am

Clabianco: Thank you for your inquiry. As noted in our original post regarding the “Call to Action” there have been many challenges to Obama’s candidacy for President (though the list of such cases, p...

Elections • Where's the power in original jurisdiction gov't? 21 Aug 2013 | 12:05 am

Back to educating the "masses" of which I am one person of those masses. I read a little about re-electing governors, congressmen, etc. but in spite of much knowledge and good argument, how many peop...

Elections • Re: Comments re: “Call to Action” Phase 3 20 Aug 2013 | 08:46 pm

An attorney named Berg, challenged the eligibility of Obama AFTER Obama was elected and sworn in. The Supreme Court said that he had "no standing" in law to challenge. That since Berg never signed the...

Elections • Re: Definition of Natural Born Citizen 16 Aug 2013 | 09:05 am

KingWm: First, read the Constitution and notice that within the authority granted to the Senate is the authority to enforce “the Law of Nations”; which (according to the Supreme Court) is a book writt...

Elections • Definition of Natural Born Citizen 14 Aug 2013 | 11:43 pm

I have searched the forum for "natural born citizen" looking for information on its definition. On the Call to Action Phase III page: Admin wrote: Zane Grey’s had timely filed a Quo Warranto contesti...

Land Patents • Re: Legal Descriptions: STRf vs "Meets and Bounds" 11 Aug 2013 | 07:33 pm

Jovanwalker: Those that responded to the initial post in this topical thread responded with instructions that hopefully directed Soverignmoor to the topic from which his question would be answered wit...

Land Patents • Re: Legal Descriptions: STRf vs "Meets and Bounds" 10 Aug 2013 | 09:01 pm

I am sharing the same concern as soverignmoor however from what I've gathered from this discussion both the land patent and the legal description need to use the same format, either strf or meets and ...

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