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How Should I Die? 24 Aug 2013 | 09:15 pm
I have reached the age where I have seen a few deaths. And I have had time to think about it a bit. I feel the most important thing is to die with dignity. The advances in modern medicine, though effe...
Trade Perspectives 21 Aug 2013 | 09:15 pm
The last section of this post series is on trade perspectives. In fact, our earlier sections on the static structure of the bank and the temporal evolution of the trade have been in preparation to thi...
Summary — Life of a Trade 15 Aug 2013 | 09:15 pm
With that we have come to the end of our discussion on trade lifecycle. We talked about pre-trade activities such as the quant work on pricing model, and its validation by an independent team. On a pe...
How to Take Beautiful Pictures 12 Aug 2013 | 09:15 pm
I recently learned a technique in portrait photography from this artist friend of mine. He told me that one could use backlight to create beautiful portraits. I had always thought that backlight was a...
Termination 9 Aug 2013 | 09:15 pm
The last lifecycle event of a trade is, of course, its termination. It can be triggered for a variety of reasons. Whatever the reason may be, when a trade is terminated, it calls for settlements and d...
Retirement — a Wife’s View 6 Aug 2013 | 09:15 pm
In connection with my recent retirement, my wife sent me an article (a speech given by someone on how to retire happily) which made several interesting points. But even more interestingly, it started ...
Validation and Processing 3 Aug 2013 | 09:15 pm
Once a trade is booked into the trading platform database, it triggers a whole chorus of validation and daily processing. The validation process is a to-and-fro dance between the trading desks in Fron...
Why Do We Drink? 30 Jul 2013 | 09:41 am
We get in trouble or at least embarrass ourselves once in a while because of our drinking. Why do we still do it? Ok, it is fun to have a drink or two at a party — it gives you a buzz, loosens your to...
Capitalism vs. Corporatism 25 Jul 2013 | 01:30 pm
During a recent conversation with him, this client of mine used the word “corporatist” to describe his country (US of A). He said twenty years ago, they were a capitalist country, not a corporatist on...
Chinese Names 17 Jul 2013 | 05:07 pm
As you may know, a San Francisco TV channel got in trouble for reporting fake names of the pilots involved in a recent air crash. If you missed it, here is the video — the fake names are around the 43...