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Beware! Latest Facebook virus… 12 May 2011 | 05:46 pm

Edit: we just heard from someone inside Facebook: they were already working on the issue, and expect to have it fixed within an hour. Awesome! If you see this, do not click the link! It will take adv...

15 seconds to your iframe tab 27 Feb 2011 | 10:05 am

When I heard that Facebook was going to deprecate the Static FBML app, my first thought was disappointment– that app made it so easy to add tabs to a page. My second reaction was that it would be simp...

Saying goodbye to an old friend: FBML 27 Feb 2011 | 09:39 am

The first time I made a custom tab on Facebook, it felt so amazing. You can build a website inside Facebook? How cool is that! And it was really simple. All you had to do was add a single app to your...

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