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BTPL Tech ( Bhramm Technologies Pvt. Ltd. ) 4 Jun 2013 | 10:53 am
We specialize in software product and technology innovation. Recently, we have partnered closely with pioneering start-ups, innovative enterprises and some of world’s largest brands in their specific ...
American Independence Movement 28 Feb 2013 | 11:45 am
I love it when people post to try and stop me using AIM.
Sports : All-Star Saturday Night 19 Feb 2013 | 08:09 am
I don’t know what everyone else likes to go see, but for me, All-Star Saturday night is always about the finale. It’s a chance for someone to etch their name in All-Star lore with a mercurial performa...
Uncomplicated Systems For does he love me - An Intro from Ms. IVA BROWN 27 Aug 2012 | 07:37 am
We not only explore each other, we also go out and explore the world together. If your companion is not it may a sign of trouble ahead. Love carries a color, an AURA, that can be read in the YOU, as w...
Fish Oil Benefits 27 Aug 2012 | 03:59 am
This is never going to be easy. Searching for a number of really awesome treatments. The exact same thing applies to fish oil supplements or perhaps fish oil capsules. It is actually like opening a Pa...
No-Hassle Applications Within Healthful Bones * Experience 27 Aug 2012 | 12:08 am
Growth hormone is present in our systems. It's created by the actual pituitary gland, and it's principal purpose would be to regulate the way in which your cells, bone fragments and muscle tissue of o...
轴承的损伤<p></p> 2 Aug 2012 | 02:23 pm
轴承的损伤 轴承的损伤 一旦轴承发生损伤,必须经过一个非常严格的检测过程来判断该损伤的轴承是否可以修复。待修轴承必须全面清洗,然后进行非常严格的全面检测。首先是检测轴承的只要损伤,如是否存在裂纹、大的剥落和过热变色等,存在这些损伤的轴承很可能无法修复而必须报废。 轴承损伤原因主要有化学损伤(蚀刻、...
非标五金件中的螺栓<p></p> 2 Aug 2012 | 02:20 pm
非标五金件中的螺栓 非标五金件中的螺栓 在非标五金件的使用中应用的较广泛的是螺栓-螺母连接副的形式,应用的较多的是有预紧力的连接方式,预紧力的连接可以提高螺栓连接的可靠性、防松能力及螺栓的疲劳强度,并且能增强螺纹连接体的紧密性和刚度。在螺纹紧固件的连接使用中,没有预紧力或预紧力不够时,起不到真正的...
立式蒸汽锅炉的工作原理<p></p> 2 Aug 2012 | 02:18 pm
立式蒸汽锅炉的工作原理 立式蒸汽锅炉的工作原理 立式蒸汽锅炉综合国内各类炉型进行技术改良,吸收了国际先进技术而推出的新生代卧式燃油(气)锅炉,该产品的设计已申报国家专利,锅炉本体由锅壳封头、锅壳、U型圈、炉胆、炉胆封头、横水管、冲天管组成。锅炉采用传统的燃烧技术、媒从炉门孔投入、在炉排上部燃烧、烟...
水力控制阀的原理及构造<p></p> 2 Aug 2012 | 02:15 pm
水力控制阀的原理及构造 水力控制阀的原理及构造 水力控制阀是以管道介质压力为动力,进行启闭、调节的阀门。它由一个主阀和附设的导管、针阀、球阀和压力表等组成、根据使用的目的、功能场所的不同,可演变成遥控浮球阀、减压阀、缓闭止回阀、流量控制器、泄压阀、水力控制阀、紧急关闭阀等。 导阀随介质的液位和压...