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n00bketeers 131: Jab’n Yer Cornea! 17 Aug 2013 | 04:18 am
Have I mentioned that I love doing this show? Well I do, and I don’t care if I scream it from the roof tops! Maybe I shouldn’t have had that giant Red Bull before I wrote this… Anywhatsit, Britt, Boot...
Retrocore #73 We’re Back! 12 Aug 2013 | 06:37 am
After eight long months Retrocore Podcast returns. This episode we sat down to catch up and talk about retro and modern gaming. E3 happened during our absence so we quickly shared our thoughts on the ...
n00bketeers 130: Rated E With Elspeth 2 Aug 2013 | 11:18 pm
This week, in addition to the normal n00bs, Beez and boo… er Pigs… we also have a special guest. We have the very talented Elspeth Eastman join us for the entire show. We highly recommend that you che...
n00bketeers 129: I’m a Gho00-o-0–0o-oo-0st 25 Jul 2013 | 12:57 am
I (beez) sincerely apologize for this episode coming out couple weeks after it was recorded, but when you are on vacation you tend to shove things like this onto the back-burner. This is just a good o...
Movie Dudes Ep. 48: Summer Blockbuster 17 Jul 2013 | 06:19 am
It’s been a while but Jeff and Chris are back to talk about The Lone Ranger, Man of Steel and Pacific Rim. E-mail comments (or questions) to [email protected] and [email protected] or fol...
The Perfectly Sane Show Ep. 156: Don Drinks a Drought 12 Jul 2013 | 09:00 pm
This week we talk about correct pronunciations, beer, something about a strategy game, and farming on the Vita. We also spend some time discussing the saddest news of the week, the passing of Giantbom...
The Perfectly Sane Show Ep. 155: Six 5 Jul 2013 | 06:00 pm
This week we discuss Shoguns, more The Last of Us and Animal Crossing, as well as our most anticipated games for the rest of the year. Check out Vagary on Facebook and talk with us about games, movie...
The Perfectly Sane Show Ep. 154: Tired 29 Jun 2013 | 03:16 am
This week, everyone is tired. Despite this fact though, we talk more Company of Heroes 2, Animal Crossing and The Last of Us. We also talk controversy and video game movies. Check out Vagary on Faceb...
The Perfectly Sane Show Ep. 153: U-Turn 21 Jun 2013 | 08:00 pm
Warning: call_user_func_array() []: First argument is expected to be a valid callback, 'Array' was given in /home/content/03/4153403/html/vagary/wp-includes/plugin.php on ...
n00bketeers 128: The Unbiased E3 Episode 15 Jun 2013 | 07:31 am
Warning: call_user_func_array() []: First argument is expected to be a valid callback, 'Array' was given in /home/content/03/4153403/html/vagary/wp-includes/plugin.php on ...