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Be Back in October- Off to Work Our Genarlow Wilson Project! 1 Jul 2013 | 06:58 pm
If you contributed to the Genarlow Wilson trial transcript fund, you'll be receiving a link to subscribe to email updates if you'd like to keep up with my progress.. If you want to know more about our...
My Blogcation Farewell Message Coming Later Today :) 1 Jul 2013 | 06:58 pm
I'm not going to leave for the summer without saying good bye :)
Dear Serena Williams, The People Responsible for Rape are the Rapists. 20 Jun 2013 | 03:33 am
Why a reporter is asking Serena Williams about the Steubenville case I will never know. She's clearly a student of the Tom Joyner School of Victim Blaming: Do you think it was fair, what they got? Th...
*Sigh* Zerlina Maxwell, Genarlow Wilson Apologist, Claims to Speak for All "Betrayed" Survivors of Rape and Sexual Assault 18 Jun 2013 | 03:53 pm
At the end of this clip, Zerlina Maxwell asks Senator Carl Levin whose side are you on. Well we could ask Zerlina Maxwell the same thing. Whose side are you on Zerlina, when you are a public supporter...
Quiana Jenkins-Pietrzak Week Day 3:Reuters Responds - Share Your Responses 14 Jun 2013 | 05:28 pm
Thanks to everyone for pitching in during Quiana Jenkins-Pietrzak Week. I wanted to do more than complain about why the news media was ignoring her case. One Monday, you helped to compile a list of me...
Reporters Who SHOULD have Covered Quiana Jenkins-Pietrzak, but Didn't: Day Two 12 Jun 2013 | 05:11 pm
It is Day 2 of Quiana Jenkins-Pietrzak Week here on What About Our Daughters. In 2008, four marines raped, tortured and killed Quiana Jenkins-Pietrzak and her husband Sgt. Jan Pietrzak. That alone sho...
WHY? Quiana Jenkins-Pietrzak Week - Day #1 Identifying Immorally Indifferent Reporters 10 Jun 2013 | 07:50 pm
In 2008, four marines raped, tortured and killed Quiana Jenkins-Pietrzak and her husband Sgt. Jan Pietrzak. That alone should have made her crime noteworthy. But in addition to the brutal manner in wh...
GUILTY! Three Marines Who Raped Tortured and Killed Quiana Jenkins-Pietrzak and Sgt. Jan Pietrzak in OBVIOUS Hate Crime 7 Jun 2013 | 06:14 pm
Three of the four Marines who raped tortured and killed Quiana Jenkins-Pietrzak and her husband Sgt. Jan Pietrzak have been convicted. We first covered this horrific crime back in 2008. The national m...
After Procter & Gamble Rebuke, Tom Joyner and Reach Media Stubbornly Declare: "Rape Culture Now! Rape Culture Tomorrow! Rape Culture FOREVER!" 5 Jun 2013 | 06:00 pm
Lawd. Lawd. Lawd. Well thanks to the efforts of of WAOD readers who helped educate Procter & Gamble Everyday about their ads running next to some pro-rapist propaganda spewed by radio host, Tom Joyner...
In Lieu of Covering a More Serious Topic: Have You Seen this "Controversial" Cheerios Commercial 3 Jun 2013 | 06:25 pm
I was going to write a post asking Black women to stop writing open letters to Black men online. I've stumbled across at least 3 in the last week basically declaring that the writer is giving up on AL...