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On Epicness: A Personal Take 30 Jul 2013 | 02:21 am
Every week, A Paladin’s Tale does a Monday Morning Breakfast Topic. I really enjoyed their latest topic: “Why ‘epic’ no longer means epic, & what the WoW Dev team could do to resolve the issue to brin...
Long, Long Awaited Challenge Modes 24 Jul 2013 | 12:11 am
A couple of weeks ago, this happened: That’s a Challenge Dungeon (or is it Dungeon Challenge?) Gold Run in case you’re wondering. My very first one. At this point in the expansion, it’s probably a s...
Heroic Megaera’s Diffusion Mystery 10 Jul 2013 | 12:55 am
EDIT: I updated the numbers in the post following the excellent comments by Vixsin and Lakh. I have very little background with this sort of thing, so the help is very appreciated! I hope no one read ...
World of Logs Log Browser meet Player. Player, meet Log Browser 9 Jul 2013 | 12:23 am
Protip: You can scroll to the bottom of this post (and click on the “Read the rest…” link if viewing from the main page) for an example WITH PICTURES using Eternal Flame and Holy Power. Megaera’s stu...
A Look at my Heroic Megaera Logs 29 Jun 2013 | 10:55 pm
Two weeks ago, I did a fun healing experiment comparing my performances with Divine Purpose vs Holy Avenger. While there could have been a few other factors affecting my throughput, I was confident en...
How To Use World of Logs to Spy on Pros (Also Heroic Megaera Holy Pally CD Usage Discussion) 17 Jun 2013 | 12:31 am
I’m always getting told that my World of Logs posts are long and boring, and the only people who would make sense of them are people who don’t need to be reading World of Logs tutorials anyway. Yes, y...
Holy Avenger and EF Blanketing – The Results 16 Jun 2013 | 12:14 am
As I was researching yesterday’s post (and by researching, I mean creepy stalking top Holy Pally parsers on World of Logs), I noticed that every one of them was using a healing technique I hadn’t trie...
WoW… Oh hei! I still play that! 15 Jun 2013 | 12:12 am
You know you’ve fallen out of the loop when you come across lists of Holy Paladin bloggers… and your name is nowhere to be found. Which is fair enough – I haven’t written anything substantial since th...
I’m not ashamed – I liked Dragon Age 2 (plenty of spoilers) 22 May 2013 | 10:28 pm
The last couple of weeks have been crazy. I hung out at the Calgary Expo for one non-stop, action packed weekend (and got to meetup with the Calgary WoW crew – Vidyala, Voss, ChawaJen, Darthregis and ...
This Happens when I Play Mass Effect DLC 18 Apr 2013 | 10:46 pm
I didn’t want to tell my coworkers that the reason I was falling asleep everywhere earlier this week was because I had been up all night playing Mass Effect: Citadel. Not up all night playing video ga...