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Called to Rule and Subdue: A Helpful Analogy 26 Aug 2013 | 11:49 pm
In Genesis 1:26-28, we are presented with language of rulership and subduing of nature in relation to the role of humankind in the world. This idea of the crowning of humans with divine governorship h...
Pastors – live in the text (Willimon) 26 Aug 2013 | 06:09 pm
I am enjoying reading William Willimon’s Pastor in preparation for the leadership and Scripture course I am teaching this fall (class begins tonight, actually!). Here is a truly inspiring and challen...
Do We Need the New Testament, Goldingay Asks (Video Resource) 26 Aug 2013 | 03:47 am
Leave it to John Goldingay to pose the provocative, but necessary, question to Marcionite Christians: Do we need the NT? Love this stuff! Check out this video sample (~ 20 min) from St Johns Nottingha...
Revelation and the Politics of Apocalyptic Interpretation (Review) 19 Aug 2013 | 08:42 pm
When I went to seminary, one of the most popular courses at that time was exegesis of Revelation, taught by Dr. Sean McDonough (who studied Revelation at St Andrews under Richard Bauckham). When I fin...
FS for Matera, Unity and Diversity in the Gospels and Paul (Review) 19 Aug 2013 | 07:17 pm
A good while back, in 2012, I received a copy of the book Unity and Diversity in the Gospels and Paul: Essays in Honor of Frank J. Matera (SBL), edited by Christopher W. Skinner and Kelly R. Iverson (...
Exploring the Religion of Ancient Israel, by Chalmers (Review) 19 Aug 2013 | 05:56 pm
The more I delve into Old Testament scholarship (an occupational hazard since I teach OT as well as NT here at Northeastern), the more I realize - Christians simply don’t know what is in the Old Testa...
The Apocalyptic Paul…Is Coming! 17 Aug 2013 | 06:07 pm
Borne out of a conference a little while back at Princeton Theological Seminary, this collection of essays, called The Apocalyptic Paul (Baylor University Press), focuses on Romans 5-8. Even the brief...
The Lucky Winner (2 Corinthians Giveaway) 17 Aug 2013 | 04:50 am
This is the winning entry: “The messenger of the cross is conformed to the message of the cross, foolishness to the perishing and life for those who believe.” This is reflective especially of the fir...
Barth on Hitler’s Dream and the Church’s Protest 13 Aug 2013 | 02:03 am
This short video clip, my first glimpse of Karl Barth on video, is a perfect example of the power of the imagination, and the need for the Church to protest through a compelling counter-vision of real...
Wright’s HOW GOD BECAME KING = $3.99 Kindle 12 Aug 2013 | 09:45 pm
Its true. Let me say, this is definitely one of my favorite Wright books. I think his whole approach to the Gospels and creed is persuasive. My students felt that he provided more information than is ...