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Freelance web and software process 18 Sep 2009 | 10:43 pm
Home Based Jobs Welcome to home of the best web master project. Whether you are a webmaster seeking to avail the service of a freelancer or whether you are a freelance programmer in ...
Regulament Administratie 20 Nov 2007 | 03:54 am
Regulament ADMINISTRATIE Server! Regula Numarul 1. Toti administratorii trebuie sa posteze ca au luat la cunostinta prezentul regulament, in 48h de la primirea adminului. Regula Numarul 2. Este in...
Regulament Player 20 Nov 2007 | 03:52 am
Regalament Jucatori! 1.)Este interzisa cu desavarsire folosirea oricarui cheat gen Wall/Aim/Speed/Etc Incalcarea regulii este pedepsita printr-un ban Permanent pe 2 saptamanii 2.)Sunt interzise ori...