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The HERS Project - Caption Series - 17 Aug 2013 | 07:26 am
Howdy people, at this late - in Spain - though vacation time, I finally finished a caption request that I started a year back. That's right. A year back. The problem here is that I was fiddling with a...
Haven Quarterly Second Cap (Peril at the Disco) 2 Aug 2013 | 03:03 am
Howdy people here's the second cap I told you about in the last post. I noticed from other authors blogs that sometimes It could be hard for the reader to actually fully enjoy the cap, because the tex...
Haven Quaterly Cap (Dangerous Tweets) 29 Jul 2013 | 07:03 pm
Howdy people, since I have to make posts till the 200th and have no desire on creating something new (I do have something new, but needs the finishing touches and they will be explained don't worry) ...
Hidden sight 25 Jul 2013 | 05:38 am
Howdy people, if you want to know where's the caption click on the image! Today I bring you a caption exploring the sensation of being unable to see anything around you. A blindfold game with a littl...
Silked in Style 19 Jul 2013 | 04:40 am
Howdy gals, today I bring you a new caption. It's a bit short compared to others I know just that, but I'm still working on that big story and well I'll just try to launch whatever story crosses in th...
When stuff happens, it happens.. 14 Jul 2013 | 01:05 am
Okay gals, this an informing you type of post, so if you can hold on a while longer, you'll see new content. Probably tomorrow or sooner. I have some ideas already brewing in my head. If that's the ho...
This is not a Democracy (Makeception. Introducing Raffside to the blog) 22 Jun 2013 | 05:56 am
Hey ho! Guys and gals, and in between *tee hee* this is me Raffside taking over. I've been plotting, adding plans and then plotting a bit more till I got a bit of control over. You see from time to ti...
From Dark to Bright (short stories too) 13 Jun 2013 | 01:56 pm
Howdy people, just keeping you inform that next week possibly I'll start to update the blog again. But mostly to inform you that the universe has a way to keep you entertained, well the last post turn...
Hectic Months 7 May 2013 | 09:55 pm
Howdy people, I'm sorry for not being able to stay around here the way I wanted or tried to, but you know how the world is going on, Europe and Spain, my personal situation more or less and so on. It'...
Time for some fixings (updating the blog) 22 Feb 2013 | 08:25 pm
Howdy gals, sorry for the absence! Today and tomorrow I'll be updating the overwiew of the blog and some features will dissapear while others will change of place. Background, colours schemes, everyt...